Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i have a stack of about 4 books on my nightstand. I have started to read all of them. I have failed to finish any of them.

In fact, i probably haven't gotten through the first chapter of any of them. We'll just, for now, ignore the fact that this pattern, this starting and not finishing, is a basic pattern in my life (isn't it like that for everyone?).....

Anyone have any good book recommendations? I really need something that will prevent my eyes from closing during that first initial "getting into bed and feel like reading but really sleepy" moment.

The last few books I finished include: Kite Runner, The Red Tent, and that's it because I haven't finished a whole book in a while and my memory escapes me right now....

What I don't like: Kerouac-esque stream of consciousness. I've tried, many times now, to get into Kerouac's On the Road and Maggy Cassidy. Our minds all behave, that is, we think how Kerouac writes. I just can't handle the disorganization and spontaneity on the page. When I sit down with a book, I need for it to be structured and meaningful.

With that said....I'll let you know if and when I complete my next book.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm the same way. Don't tell Eric, but I've been stuck on page 50 or so of Jitterbug Perfume.

The last book I was actually excited to read was The Omnivore's Dilemma... a non-novel about what we eat. David Sedaris books seem to be funny and easy to read. And American Psycho entertained me too. That about rounds up all the books I've read in the past four years (sigh).